bitflyer apiを作って、過去の約定データから、1週間分の1分足データを生成して、CSV保存してみた。
{“status”:-156,”error_message”:”Execution history is limited to the most recent 31 days.”,”data”:null}
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import requests import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytz import time class BitflyerAPI: def __init__(self, base_url=''): self.base_url = base_url def executions(self, product_code, count=500, before=None): params = { 'product_code': product_code, 'count': count } if before: params['before'] = before response = requests.get(f'{self.base_url}/v1/getexecutions', params=params) return response.json() if response.status_code == 200 else [] api = BitflyerAPI() # 1週間前の日時を取得(UTC) utc = pytz.UTC end_date = utc.localize(datetime.utcnow()) start_date = end_date - timedelta(days=7) executions = [] count = 0 while True: if executions: last_id = executions[-1]['id'] new_executions = api.executions(product_code="FX_BTC_JPY", count=500, before=last_id) else: new_executions = api.executions(product_code="FX_BTC_JPY", count=500) if not new_executions: break executions.extend(new_executions) count += len(new_executions) # 取得したデータの最初のtimestampを確認 latest_timestamp = pd.to_datetime(executions[-1]['exec_date'], errors='coerce', utc=True) # 進捗状況を表示 print(f"取得したデータ件数: {len(executions)}, 最新のデータ日時: {latest_timestamp}") # 1週間前までのデータが取得できたら終了 if latest_timestamp <= start_date: break # リクエスト間の待機時間を設定(API制限に配慮) time.sleep(1) if not executions: raise ValueError("APIからデータを取得できませんでした") # DataFrameに変換 df = pd.DataFrame(executions) df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['exec_date'], errors='coerce', utc=True) df.dropna(subset=['timestamp'], inplace=True) # 'timestamp'がNaTの行を削除 df.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True) # 1週間前のデータだけをフィルタリング df = df[df.index >= start_date] # 1分足データを生成 ohlcv = df['price'].resample('1min').ohlc() ohlcv['volume'] = df['size'].resample('1min').sum() ohlcv.dropna(inplace=True) # CSVに保存 ohlcv_file = 'ohlcv_data.csv' ohlcv.to_csv(ohlcv_file) print(f"データの保存が完了しました: {ohlcv_file}") |